Sunday, January 13, 2019

Top 6 Hacks For Wordpress Bloggers

WordPress is one of the powerful blogging platforms, and many thousands of people start a WordPress blog every day – whether it’s self-hosted on your own web server or with a free blog. Some bloggers give up after a few months though, often because their blog isn’t as popular as they would like it to be or they aren’t getting many comments. If you have a WordPress blogging site, I have a few tips on how you can save yourself some valuable and precious time.


Socially sharing on Twitter is best for bloggers.  Click-To-Tweet is one such way to do this quite easily and effectively is to include a Click-to-Tweet button by using the WordPress plugin for this.


With WordPress Toolbar Toggle, you can accomplish lots of task like changing the size of their font, or underline a word, or even use different colors easily?

WordPress Toolbar Toggle is a square button to the right of Proofread Writing button (ABC with a check underneath it). After hitting this button, you will expand the WordPress Toolbar to include changing the font style, underlining text, as well as allowing for varying font colors, too.


It is a great way to lead readers back to older articles that are pertinent to what you are sharing in a current blog article is to link back to internal (older blog) links.

To do that, you don’t need to be a Wordpress Developer experts or no need to know any coding skills. Only you have to first click to insert a link on your toolbar.  After click to expand, “Or link to existing content”, which can be found below, “Open link in a new window/tab”.

You can click to expand, for a further look at your “existing content”, you can then search from older articles of the topic of your choice to indeed link back to easily and efficiently.


Do you want to edit something about a post, such as the category the post is in or the title, but don’t want to have to go into the entire post edit mode to do this?

You can do it quickly edit an article without indeed ever having to enter the post edit mode by hovering over the title of the post you want to edit, and after that, you will see a list of links appear below the title. These include a “Quick Edit” option.

Quick Edit - assists you to saves your time to get to the actual post editor, and lets you make these fast edits:

  • Change the title
  •  Change the permalink
  • Change the publish date
  • Set post to password-protected or private
  • Edit the categories
  • Edit the tags
  • Turn comments and pings backs on/off
  •  Change the status of the post
  • Make the post sticky

Fundamentally, you can do anything except make edits to the body of your post.


You can leave an announcement at the top of your blog even after you publish new blog articles?

You can do this by using a simple setting inside the post editor. When you are in Publish module, click on the “Edit” link next to “Visibility: Public.”

After that, you just have to check the box to “Stick this post to the front page.”
When you want to disable the announcement after some time, all you have to do is uncheck the original box to place the post back into chronological order.


You can simply drag & drop an image on your desktop right into your WordPress blog article without ever having to actually open up your “Add Media” icon in your post. It is quick and helpful, tips!

At SFWP WordPress Experts, we pride ourselves on our Sanfrancisco Wordpress website design services that have designed and developed dozens of custom WordPress-based websites. We design & crafted unique themes, hand-coded powerful plugins, and have to output some of the best looking and functioning WordPress websites out there.